Thursday, July 31, 2008

[dude, you just broke my guitar.]

My Guitar Hero guitar is still broken. It's BEEN broken ever since June 19th, 2008. Guess who broke it. I won't say the name to protect confidentiality, but she's somewhat vertically challenged, has damaged hair, and is a Jack Sparrow fanatic. PLEASE DONT KILL ME. (:

I need to go buy a replacement so that I can have an extra guitar for RB if people come over..-.-

On a sidenote, did you know that 35% of Los Angeles Unified School District students drop out of High School? Now what percent of that 35% are illegally here? Haha I'm gonna start inserting [psuedo-racism] whenever I say something like that now.

On another note, I just realized my iPhone's now outdated! You know what I realized about Apple? They're horrible on your soul. Seriously, there are two annoying companies in the world. Apple, and MySpace. I really think Tom should sell his soul to Satan to pay for better servers on MySpace. That way we won't get weird stuff.

Oh and YouTube, they do really well, except their entire staff is made up of highly trained monkeys. I want to work there so I can oust those primates and take their jobs.

Today, I was walking into my sister's room which is currently under "construction," aka repainting. And holy freak, I breathed in and I think I got high. Maybe. I'm not sure what it was, but it was like I felt lightheaded and started feeling like throwing up. I ran back to my room. And yeah, I'm not gonna step in that room for a while because I don't want to be like Afroman.

NSO 2008 Entitled : Biff! Pow! Whitney! [September 3rd, 2008. Be there.]

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

[stricken, shaken, awakened.]

Wow. So I woke up at 11 this morning and I went downstairs and then all of a sudden I hear a sound that sounds like a truck is passing. And then like the ground starts feeling like I'm on a boat and I'm like way. And then my mom goes upstairs and shouts EARTHQUAKE GET DOWN to my brother and sister...and then we're just standing there waiting for the earthquake to stop.

Earthquakes are straight up California stuff, man.

Anyways, made a facebook for all you people who kept nagging me to make one. Go search me up. My name's short and sweet, and easy to type in. For all you people who have last names the length of Ron Jeremy's body part that I do not wish to type the name of because it could be inappropriate for the little 9 year olds reading my blog, I don't like typing your names to add you. Go back to your curry and leave us alone.

Now I'm gonna get comments like OH MY GOD JOSH IS RACIST. No, I'm not racist. I just like poking fun at blanket stereotypes. It's like saying all Chinese people get their last names from shaking pennies in a jar. No, it's not true. Ching, Ping, Ting, all those random ass last names from Chinese people ARE NOT from that. Those names are ACTUALLY created by taking a communist flag and using the pole to slit the throat of a second child born from a woman in China. [If you don't get that, brush up on your China knowledge.]

Also. Random news story of the day. It's so sadly ironic that it makes me want to laugh.

A man who was swimming in a river nicknamed "The River of Life" drowned yesterday. Read that again in case you didn't get it.

When I first heard that I was like wow. Common sense is dying. Just like how it's completely legal to TEXT and drive in California, but it's illegal to make phone calls. That's like putting a ban on knives, and promoting guns as a safe alternative.

Anyways, random stuff for today. Gimme comments and tell me if you read it all and your opinions on the stuff. (:

Saturday, July 26, 2008

[another week's end]

This week went by pretty fast...and I'm pretty pissed off because my mom told me that we're probably not going to go with my cousins to go camping. Why? Well, it's because my cousin who apparently has hearing problems now [we just found out she's deaf in one ear] is coming here, and then like, we're going to not be able to go anywhere really this summer. -.-

And then on the other hand, I'm also mad because my mom refuses to let me quit piano even though I've completely lost interest in it. I mean, wouldn't you lose interest in something if you've already been playing it for 9 years?

And lastly, I want to know if you guys want me to start videoblogging instead of doing posts like this. Because honestly I think I could do better and have a videoblog instead of just posting text like this. Mhm, so yeah. Leave a text comment or something.

Monday, July 21, 2008

[one wall done]

There's one wall in my sister's room that's been completely stripped of wall paper. And right now, its FUGLY.

Remember people, tomorrow's IC meeting @ Heritage - 3pm.

Remember to pleasepleaseplease show up. We want you there (:

I found pictures of myself from when I was in the hospital. D: I see pictures of bandanas, and then now I'm wondering where the hell did they all go. >_> I don't think they're in my drawers anymore.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

[read your week's worth]

Okay. So I guess I didn't do that good of a job at posting today. But this week was pretty hectic. A lot of classes & stuff to do.

ASB PEOPLE. IF YOU'RE READING THIS: I'm sorry I didn't go to the bake sale D: My dad was leaving for China today and I kinda wanted to spend my last day with him until he comes back in September. -.-

Anyways, I'm pretty happy that SAT is finally over. And honestly, I barely learned ANYTHING from that class. I think I'm probably going to end up taking another class for it some other time. -.-

Meanwhile, my sister's room is currently under she was in her room splashing vinegar on the walls and peeling the wallpaper off so we could repaint it. So yes, we're going to repaint the walls.

But anyways, I'm tired. I'll post some more tomorrow..I promise. (:

Sunday, July 13, 2008

[Wall-E & A7X]

Wall-E's a pretty heartwarming movie (:

I've been listening to Avenged Sevenfold a LOT lately, you can blame Rock Band for the sudden increase [yes I'll admit it, that game is addicting. But I'm not the only one that thinks so ;D]

Anyways, I downloaded their whole new album & it's pretty good...there's this song that I really like called "Dear God" that's an acoustic song...

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around,
when I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
But I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
’Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again

Thinking of you.

Friday, July 11, 2008

[Week over.]

Wow. Half of the SAT class is finally over..thank God >_>

I've been like weirdish moodswinging recently because I've been pretty tired after SAT class...I've been going to bed around 1:30-2am every single day of summer...and it's been getting later and later.. IM TURNING NOCTURNAL.

Anyways, I'm off to bed. Tomrorow..movies. LATE. I'm gonna go do something first earlier..XD

Unless you guys want me to sneak in with you @ Hancock..XD

Thursday, July 10, 2008

[I was doing so good..D:]

I was doing so good on posting...making it twice in a row..then I got busy. -.-

So yeah. I've been taking SAT classes with Alice Zuo @ Cerritos College.

Sucks, but at least I'm learning study tips. One of which might either send your parents into shock, extreme violence towards me, or grief:

It's okay to study with friends.

Holy crap. That's probably going to send blood running through all the veins of asian parents worldwide. The next thing that's gonna make their blood really boil...ready for this?

Studying is only worth something if you make it fun.

Studying? Fun? Impossible.

Unless you tack index cards every single place (including doors) you can find space to put them with vocab words, and agree not to open those doors until you can figure out the definition of that word. For some of you, you will be able to keep that and have it going right. For others of you, you might be stuck in your bedroom for quite some time.

Just found out that I'm going to be missing pickup day because of ASB retreat. Frak. I want someone to pick up my schedule for me, or at least have someone SHOW me it because I need to know who I have classes with..if we can manage to get back from Hemet by 4pm, we can go and pickup our schedules at least before the school closes down for the day.

There's a lot of you I really want classes with, some of you I've never had a class with my whole middle school life, some of you I've had a huge majority with. [I've never had someone with the exact same schedule...7th grade because you couldn't have, and 8th grade because no one was in Breik.] A huge majority of people that I really want classes with I don't know if I'm going to get classes with them, but I'm at least guaranteed classes with Emily Hwang, Emily Liang, and Joseph Pang.

I have a new word. My new word of the day and possibly week, month, year?

ROFLMUFFINS. It replaces ROFL, and it's more interesting and random.

By the way, for all of you who haven't had the glorious initiation into the world of LOLCATS,

Best site in the world if you like cats, and weird Engrish translations.