Saturday, July 26, 2008

[another week's end]

This week went by pretty fast...and I'm pretty pissed off because my mom told me that we're probably not going to go with my cousins to go camping. Why? Well, it's because my cousin who apparently has hearing problems now [we just found out she's deaf in one ear] is coming here, and then like, we're going to not be able to go anywhere really this summer. -.-

And then on the other hand, I'm also mad because my mom refuses to let me quit piano even though I've completely lost interest in it. I mean, wouldn't you lose interest in something if you've already been playing it for 9 years?

And lastly, I want to know if you guys want me to start videoblogging instead of doing posts like this. Because honestly I think I could do better and have a videoblog instead of just posting text like this. Mhm, so yeah. Leave a text comment or something.


ali- said...

it's up to you.
if you feature me making God kill kitties, then go ahead. (:

Ignorance said...

vlogging :D

go ahead
but i like blogging better

Michele ^-^ said...

Do a bit of both! =D

Michelle said...

mhmmm do both.

hearing problems now = she didn't have them before?

i kinda want to quit piano, but i dont think i really do want to. because it's so..weird without piano. like after playing it everyday for over half my life it's just normal. :)