Tuesday, August 5, 2008

[my foot is crying.]

So I stayed up til about 3:30am because I couldn't sleep last night..I just laid in bed and stared at the wall. AND THEN, out of a random thought...I remembered it was Tuesday.

Tuesday's the day that Rock Band's downloadable content comes out.

So I decided to go downstairs and download the stuff, played BYOB. After I finished, my foot started crying. Do you know what it feels like to hit 4 bass notes every second? It makes your foot weep.

And then, yeah, I've been pretty depressed lately. There's a lot of stuff that's been going on, and then a piece of information that I got yesterday just made it a bit worse. I'll give the specifics of it later. This is actually a pretty early post in my book. x)


ali- said...

good job keeping up with the posting.
i'm proud of you. (:

which song?

Michele ^-^ said...

hahaha ditto Alice. (:

Scream out your depression with some LP. That's what I did last night. XP
And look on the bright side, IZZY'S COMING BACK REALLY SOON!!! =D <3